When employees are doing their jobs at a work site, safety is often not at the top of their mind. They are more focused on getting the job done as quickly as possible, and they want to do a good job as well. It is one of the reasons why so many accidents happen at work sites, whether they are related to electricity or not. But when it comes to electricity, the accidents that occur can have very serious consequences for the employees and the project in general. It is why electrical safety training and assessments through harmonic modelling and arc flash modelling are so important.
When we talk about work sites and electricity, we have to take a look at why the very nature of electricity is so dangerous. Even something as simple as changing a lightbulb the wrong way can electrocute a person, which is why individuals are never encouraged to mess with the electrical wiring in their own homes. They are always told to call a professional. In the same way, the crew at a work site needs the proper electrical safety training to ensure they get the job done as safely as possible.
There are so many types of injuries that can result if someone comes into contact with electricity in an incorrect manner. Whether it is electrocution, where the person’s whole body feels the impact of the electricity, or it is a thermal burn, these incidents can be really dangerous and potentially life threatening. It is why we believe that arc flash training is so important for all workers who may come into contact with electricity while they are doing their jobs. But what type of arc flash training do reputable electrical companies provide and how will it help these employees? We can take a look right now.
Arc flash incidents are more common than you would think at work sites, because electricity is being used in almost every aspect of the construction. An arc flash is a type of arc fault incident, where a discharge results when there is a low impudence connection through the air and into the ground. These incidents can not only cause some serious damage, but they can also harm the employee that was closest to the location where the incident takes place. With the right arc flash training courses, employees are going to know what type of incidents can arise from their actions. They will know what to do, and what not to do, in order to ensure there are no arc flash incidents.
Aside from training obtained from reputable electrical engineering companies in the area, it is also important for arc flash assessments to take place. Through activities such as harmonic modelling and arc flash modelling, it is possible to make a proper assessment about how safe a work site may be for the people who are working there. These types of models can also help provide you with an idea about the areas at the site where an arc flash or other electricity-related incident is most likely to happen.