There are many different aspects about picking the right acupuncture school. However, there are two things you may be sure to deal with. The first one is high costs of education and the other one is the necessity to spend no less than 3 years in such a school to get your diploma. So, it is a big decision to make. That is why you should first learn the right criteria to go by picking the best school possible.
What to look for in acupuncture school worth paying your money for:
- The amount of practical training
You cannot possibly hope to master acupuncture by just reading the books or doing theoretical studies. Practical training is a must. So, you need to find out the exact amount of practical training and the place of such training before you make your final decision. Keep in mind that acupuncture is about sticking needles into people. It’s a pretty scary task to manage. You have to get firsthand experience with it, before you start your own acupuncture practice.
- The quality of teaching
Get online and find the web site of the acupuncture school you plan to enter. Find out who your future teachers are. They have to have much experience in acupuncture and to be highly qualified to teach.
- Quality vs. quantity
At first you may not think about asking this question: how many other students will I have in my group? However, this question is important, as quality of your education may directly depend upon the quantity of people in your group. Having too many students, cuts down your discussion time with the teacher and your opportunities for asking questions and other interactions.
- Study help
As acupuncture is pretty new in the Western countries and in USA, there are not so many useful books on it. So, it’s another thing to learn about your school to be. Find out, if they have a good store of acupuncture books and other resources for you to use in your studies.
- The herb lore
Acupuncture is not the only ancient Chinese science you may use to attain the best healing results for your patients. It goes hand in hand with the herb medicine. So, make sure to land in an acupuncture school with good herb lore program.
As you may see, all of the above mentioned things are essential for selecting the best acupuncture school to enter. Take your time to get to know well your future alma mater and make the most out of your acupuncture education.