6 Reasons That Prove Why Tea is Great for Your Body

Tea is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that are beneficial for the body. Check out these six reasons on why tea is great for your body.
Improve Brain Function. Tea is rich with catechins, an antioxidant that is found to improve brain function and protect brain from neurodegenerative diseases. The catechins have protective effects on the neurons system which could potentially lowers the risk of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Alzheimer’s is the most common neurodegenerative disease which is the leading cause of dementia in old age; Parkinson’s disease is the second most common neurodegenerative disease which affects body movements.
Burns Fats and Increases Physical Performance. Tea is one of the most common ingredients you can find in fat burning supplements. This is because it increases metabolic rate and makes you burn fats quickly. It signals the body to burn stored fats and convert it to energy which increases your physical performance.
Reduce Risk of Cancer. Cancer is caused by abnormal cells that grow their own blood vessels and invade healthy cells. The antioxidant in tea protects the healthy cells from getting damage and prevent the growth of new blood vessels in cells which could potentially develop into cancer.
Protects the Heart. Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of death in the world. The bioactive compounds in tea helps prevents atherosclerosis which is the mean cause of many heart diseases including coronary disease, ischemic heart disease, carotid heart disease, and stroke. Atherosclerosis is the narrowing of the arteries due to build up of plaques which is composed of fats, cholesterol, calcium, and many other elements.
Reduce Cholesterol Level. The antioxidant in tea helps lower cholesterol level by reducing the bad cholesterol or LDL (low-density lipoprotein) level and increasing the good cholesterol or HDL (high-density lipoprotein) level in the body. The bad cholesterol is responsible for the build-up of plaques in the arteries which leads to atherosclerosis mentioned above. The good cholesterol helps remove the bad cholesterol in the body by carrying them from other parts of the body to the liver. The liver then excretes the cholesterol from the body.
Good for the Skin. Tea makes your skin look young as it fights free radicals that can damage skin cells causing your skin to wrinkle and aged fast. Antioxidants in tea helps in treating skin damage by hydrating skin cells and stimulating blood flow to the skin which encourages growth of new cells and make your skin look young. In addition, it helps you to improve skin tone, prevent acne, and lighten scars.

Four Advantages Of Sachet Packaging

The consumer marketplace is packed with a myriad of products and this presents a difficult challenge to the manufacturers – how to have an edge over this competition by making the products stand apart from the thousands of similar items? After performing days of research and investing extensively on advertising, companies have now realized there is one fine method which they have often overlooked and i.e. flexible or sachet packaging. And so there is an increase in the demand of sachet machine manufacturer.

Sachet or pouch packs are an exceptional form of flexible packaging that are created from multiple layers of aluminum, plastic and other materials. With this they are able to secure the product from physical or environmental hazards and are able to lock its freshness for a long period of time. In addition to that, there are many more advantages of counting on sachet machine manufacturers for producing such packs and this article explains it all.

Reasons To Choose Sachet Packing Machine

Sachet packaging can be beneficial for your enterprise is not just one but several ways and some of them are:

Affordable: Sachet requires minimal packaging material, consumes less storage space and most importantly requires low shipping cost. This can indeed have a huge impact on the overall expenses allowing you to save almost 40% of what you would have spent for traditional packages.

Customizable: The style and designs of such packs are customizable to a greater extent. In fact, the manufactures can have the packs in any size or shape so as to meet the demands of their business, brand and product. Customization is a crucial aspect where you have the opportunity to gain an edge over the competitors.

Eco-Friendly: The structure of these packages is such that it reduces approximately 50% of landfill waste (most of the materials are recyclable) and a massive 62% reduction of green house gases which are often produced during the process of manufacturing. With this you are not only able to save your time and effort but at the same time can control the carbon footprint.

Preserves Quality: Another major advantage of opting for sachet packing machine manufacturers is that these packs preserve the quality of the product because the consumers have to use it immediately right after opening them, as a result of which the possibility of providing fresh and natural product increases. Further, this limits the use of any sort of conserving agents.
Just like manufacturers, even consumers love to invest on small sachet packages due to their compact size, affordable price and quality of the product. So, when you want your enterprise to flourish and be the best amongst the best then never forget to consider sachet packaging and witness the world of difference that it can create for the brand.

Laser Tattoo Removal Aftercare Tips

Tattoos are hugely popular as a form of expression that 45 million Americans have some kind of tattoo on their body. However, one study reveals that 23% of those who wear tattoos regret their decision. For whatever reason it might be, you don’t have to live in regret for the rest of your life. You can move on from the past by consideringtattoo removal in Michigan.

Laser tattoo removal is a non-invasive procedure that requires minimal or no downtime. This means that you can resume your normal activities after the procedure. Although the risks are minimal, it is important to have knowledge of proper tattoo removal aftercare. Here are some helpful tips on how to make recovery from laser tattoo removal faster and more effective.

Showering after laser tattoo removal
Once you remove the bandage, you can shower and wash the treatment area. Make sure you don’t use high-pressure water. Don’t soak the area until it is completely healed. Avoid baths, hot tubs, and swimming pools as they can increase the chances of infection.

Keep your immune system strong
The stronger your immune system, the faster will be your recovery. A healthy immune system will help keep your body repair the wound and fight off infection. To achieve faster results, you can also do the following:

Drink lots of water. Keeping your body hydrated will help maintain a strong immune system. Hydration helps flush out toxins and restore blood cells, which helps with prevention of infection.
Decrease alcohol consumption. Too much alcohol can lead to dehydration which could slow down the healing process. As much as possible, avoid alcohol completely.
Don’t smoke. Smoking causes the immune system to work harder in removing the pollutants. It will also slow down the healing process. Non-smokers achieve a better result and will usually require fewer treatments.
Exercise. With exercise, you increase blood flow which can facilitate the breaking down of ink particles. You should take a few days off exercising after the procedure. Once the skin scabs over, exercising can hasten the removal process.
What You Should Avoid
For faster and more effective laser tattoo removal, you should avoid the following:

Overexposure to the sun
After laser tattoo removal, you need to keep the treated area out of the sun. If you get sunburned, you will have to postpone your next treatment until your skin is back to its normal color. Delaying treatments will prolong the process and it may take longer to see permanent results.

Also, you should avoid using tanning products as it will also slow down the recovery process. Keep your skin covered with sunscreen and clothing or bandages if you are considering prolonged exposure to the sun.

Picking scabs or popping blisters
Blisters and scabs are natural side effects of the healing process. You can easily get tempted to pop and pick the skin but you should avoid this at all cost. Opening the wound increases the risk of infection and will also prolong your recovery.

As long as you have scabs or blisters on your skin, avoid shaving the treated area. Using a razor could cause the wound to be opened accidentally.